Tag Archive: energy

  1. Millions of homes across the UK require energy efficiency upgrades, report reveals

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    More than 5 million properties across the UK have received no energy efficiency upgrades whatsoever, a new report by consumer group Which? has been able to reveal.

    The group s calling for a switch to a long-term “local approach”, partly funded by a levy on energy suppliers and paid into a central pot.

    The funds would be allocated to local authorities to roll-out energy saving measures from 2017.

    The UK Green Building Council (UK-GBC) agreed the need for a local approach to boost home energy efficiency.

    Policy and Public Affairs Officer Richard Twinn added: “The real game changer however would be for Government to back energy efficiency with infrastructure funds to create a programme that would not only transform the UK’s cold and draughty homes but create jobs and make additional money for Treasury.”

    Wireless programmable thermostatic radiator valves offers the best returns in terms of energy efficiency. The HeatSave wireless TRVs enable users to set specific functioning times for each valve, and, since radiators are individually controlled, home owners are fully capable to maximise the zoning potential and reduce energy consumption in those areas that are not used for longer periods of time (as for example, dining or sitting rooms and kitchens during the night, etc.).

    Additionally, the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves also provide an automatic exercising feature when unused for 7 days, whose purpose is to minimise seizing of radiator valves in warmer months.

    All in all, the HeatSave TRVs enable users to achieve some pretty impressive savings, as they will help reduce your heating bills by up to 30%, especially when coupled with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System.

    If you want to find out more about the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves, our dedicated team is eagerly waiting to answer all of your questions.

  2. Leicester Council to spend £1.1 million on improving housing estates

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    A local authority has allocated £1.1 million for carrying out environmental improvements to a number of housing estates, including here energy efficiency features, a recent news report on this matter was able to reveal.

    Beside energy efficiency improvements, Leicester City Council also plans to improve various aspects related to the houses’ aesthetics and security, while also refurbishing playground equipment in the targeted areas.

    Cllr Andy Connelly, asst city mayor responsible for housing, said: “By working closely with local councillors and our highways and housing teams we have been able to prioritise a wide range of improvements that will benefit many of our tenants on estates across the city.

    “These range from improving the insulation of their homes, to landscaping shared courtyards, and decorating and improving facilities in foyer areas, stairwells and other communal areas.”

    The HeatSave thermostatic radiator valves are the easiest to install and most cost-effective energy-saving measures on the market. They are particularly suitable for retrofitting, since one simply has to remove the existing TRV and replace it with the HeatSave unit.

    The wireless thermostatic radiator valves enable users to set specific functioning times for each valve, and, since radiators are individually controlled, home owners are fully capable to maximise the zoning potential and reduce energy consumption in those areas that are not used for longer periods of time (as for example, dining or sitting rooms and kitchens during the night, etc.).

    Additionally, the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves also provide an automatic exercising feature when unused for 7 days, whose purpose is to minimise seizing of radiator valves in warmer months.

    All in all, the HeatSave TRVs enable users to achieve some pretty impressive savings, as they will help reduce your heating bills by up to 30%, especially when coupled with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System.

    If you want to find out more about the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves, our dedicated team is eagerly waiting to answer all of your questions.