Tag Archive: energy management systems

  1. Stay on top of your heating system and slash energy bills with a wireless TRV

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    Up to 11 million UK households could be over-spending on energy by not using appropriate heating controls, a relatively small investment that could potentially reduce running costs by 40%, recent research undertaken by Salford University has been able to reveal.

    The research undertaken by Salford University showed that a relatively small investment on heating controls could bring annual savings of around £290 per year for a typical household.

    Results showed that installing a room thermostat and full set of TRVs could reduce energy costs by 40% – much more than previously assumed – and the payback on the investment was typically between 9 and 18 months.

    Roderick Pettigrew, Chief Executive of the Building & Engineering Services Association (B&ES), comments: “Installing a room thermostat in one room and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) in all other rooms will maintain each room at the required temperature all year round and no heat is wasted by keeping rooms warmer than they need to be. By installing and using boiler heating controls correctly the boiler will run more efficiently and use less energy to maintain a comfortable temperature, resulting in lower energy bills. Households can start saving straightaway by adding controls to their existing system; heating controls can be fitted at any time – not just when replacing the boiler.”

    While a thermostat and TRVs will certainly help reduce energy bills, the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves could do a lot more than that.

    The HeatSave thermostatic radiator valves are the easiest to install and most cost-effective and efficient energy management products on the market. They are particularly suitable for retrofitting, since one simply has to remove the existing TRV and replace it with the HeatSave unit.

    Remotely controlled via an easily-accessible web interface, the HeatSave valves enable users to achieve impressive savings, slashing one’s heating bills by up to 30%, especially when coupled with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System.

  2. Sheltered accommodation residents protest against heating system modifications

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    A sheltered housing provider has come under fire after residents complained about not being able to alter the heating in their own homes.

    Concerned residents argued that Anchor, which manages High Lee House, on Broad Road, in Sale, Cheshire, installed a new boiler in the building in March. Since the boiler is controlled externally, residents are not able to alter heating within their flats.

    People living in the building have organised a petition against the heating changes which 23 of the 25 flats have signed up to and have had several meetings with their ward councillor on this topic.

    On the other hand, Anchor has claimed that the heating in High Lee is never turned off, but rather, is always maintained between 21 and 24 degrees Celsius. Andrew Appleton, district manager for High Lee House, said Anchor’s heating policy is based on Age UK advice and the company has “a duty of care to provide a safe, comfortable environment at all of our locations”.

    When individual heating controls are required for an apartment connected to a central heating systems, the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves are the easiest to install and most cost-effective control system on the market.

    With HeatSave, users are able to set specific functioning times for each valve, maximizing the zoning potential and reducing energy consumption in those areas that are not used for longer periods of time (as for example, dining or sitting rooms and kitchens during the night, etc.).

    Additionally, the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves also provide an automatic exercising feature when unused for 7 days, whose purpose is to minimise seizing of radiator valves in warmer months.

    All in all, the HeatSave TRVs enable users to achieve some pretty impressive savings, as they will help reduce your heating bills by up to 30%, especially when paired with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System.

    If you want to find out more about the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves, our dedicated team is eagerly waiting to answer all of your questions.

  3. Smart meters will help consumers save “only 2%” on their annual bills, a committee of MPs warn

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    Consumers will save, on the average, just around £26 a year (or around 2% of their annual bills) after installing a smart meter, MPs on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) have argued.

    Installing the meters will cost £215 per household, with consumers in 53 million homes being charged an annual amount on their bills to cover the cost, peaking at £11 a year in 2017. And in spite of these sizeable costs, smart meters will save only 2% on energy bills, say MPs.

    “Despite consumers footing the bill, they can on average make a saving of only 2% on the average annual bill of £1,328 by the time the roll out is complete,” said Margaret Hodge, the chair of the PAC.

    “Even this is conditional on consumers changing their behaviour and cutting their energy use,” she added.

    Cutting energy use a direct result of behavioural change is by far the least secure method of attaining lower bills. However, if you’re looking for a way to actively cut your energy costs while in the same time maintaining a very good level of comfort wherever you might be around the house, then the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves are just the thing.

    The HeatSave thermostatic radiator valves are the most cost-effective energy-saving measures one can implement, as they enable users to set specific functioning times for each valve. Plus, since radiators are individually controlled, home owners are fully capable to maximise the zoning potential and reduce energy consumption in those areas that are not used for longer periods of time (as for example, dining or sitting rooms and kitchens during the night, etc.).

    The HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves also provide an automatic exercising feature when unused for 7 days, whose purpose is to minimise seizing of radiator valves in warmer months.

    All in all, the HeatSave TRVs enable users to achieve impressive savings, as they will help reduce your heating bills by up to 30%.

    If you want to find out more about the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves, our dedicated team is eagerly waiting to answer all of your questions.

  4. London energy efficiency retrofitting scheme gets new cash boost

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    New funding amounting to almost £12m to expand a programme aimed at making homes and public buildings in London more efficient has been announced.

    The cash influx will be used for retrofitting a variety of energy-saving measures, including LED lighting, new boilers, insulation, and the installation of heat and power networks, solar panels, upgrading boilers, and double glazing.

    Since the launch of the scheme, back in 2008, more than 400,000 homes and more than 350 public buildings across the city have undergone extensive energy efficiency upgrades.

    Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “We need to do everything possible to make the most of our resources, reduce carbon emissions and create a more secure, cost-effective and sustainable heat and power supply across London.

    “Retrofitting older homes and buildings has a pivotal part to play in this, while also helping to save us all money on fuel bills. With these innovative energy saving technologies, London is leading the way as a 21st Century world city.”

    The HeatSave thermostatic radiator valves are the easiest to install and most cost-effective energy-saving measures on the market. They are particularly suitable for retrofitting, since one simply has to remove the existing TRV and replace it with the HeatSave unit.

    The wireless thermostatic radiator valves enable users to set specific functioning times for each valve, and, since radiators are individually controlled, home owners are fully capable to maximise the zoning potential and reduce energy consumption in those areas that are not used for longer periods of time (as for example, dining or sitting rooms and kitchens during the night, etc.).

    Additionally, the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves also provide an automatic exercising feature when unused for 7 days, whose purpose is to minimise seizing of radiator valves in warmer months.

    All in all, the HeatSave TRVs enable users to achieve some pretty impressive savings, as they will help reduce your heating bills by up to 30%, especially when coupled with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System.

    If you want to find out more about the HeatSave wireless thermostatic radiator valves, our dedicated team is eagerly waiting to answer all of your questions.