Consumers get best home heating deal via radiator valve kit

Ofgem customers charged fuel market tariffs Consumers best home heating deal wireless thermostat radiator valve kit HeatSave simple installation temperatures USB cut down energy bills 30%The chief executive of Ofgem has hailed new reforms which change how customers are charged for their fuel bills. Alistair Buchanan described them as “the most radical shake-up of the energy bill market since competition began”. Ofgem’s work is in response to criticism of the major energy providers that their tariffs are too confusing and consumers are not getting the best deal. If the energy companies do not co-operate with Ofgem’s proposals they could be forced into using the new legislation.

Consumers can get the best home heating deal possible with a complete wireless thermostat radiator valve kit from HeatSave which contains all that you need to get going. Our 6-radiator system controls six radiators with simple installation. It is straightforward to control each room with its own times and temperatures. All the valves can be set up from one place using the USB dongle and free Windows™ software. This allows home users to usually cut down their energy bills by 30%.